Today we are talking about introducing neck reining to your horse.
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Introduction To Neck Reining
What's going on, guys? Boy, do I have a treat for you today! Working with me is Mr. Rocket, and together, we're diving into a series on transforming your horse from a two-handed to a one-handed rider. Join us as we explore the benefits and awesomeness of having that free hand in the saddle, whether it's for mounted archery, shooting, roping, polo, or any equestrian pursuit.
The Two-Handed Start
Our starting point: Rocket, a young colt riding around two-handed. Discover how we guide him by pointing his head where we want to go, primarily using the inside rein. I want to change that and use the outside rein. It's the foundation we need to build upon.
Anticipate And Look Where You Want to Go
Pivoting is our starting point. Learn how we teach Rocket to respond to our cues, anticipating turns by looking in the direction we want to go. The outside rein becomes more than a suggestion—it becomes a repercussion, steering with his shoulders rather than flexing his head.
Shift your perspective on the outside rein. We're making it a solid boundary, not just a suggestion. This step sets the stage for effective one-handed riding.
We acknowledge we're still using two hands, but it's a necessary step. By gradually reducing reliance on the inside rein, we guide Rocket toward one-handed mastery. Discover the importance of leg cues and how they enhance communication during this transition. If you are turning right, use your outside left leg to guide him to the left as you lay the left rein against their neck.
Riding Straight And Turning: Repetition Is Key
Repetition is crucial for success. Witness the process of riding straight, making turns, and repeating until your horse smoothly transitions from two-handed to one-handed riding. By doing it many times in a row the same way the horse will pick up the concept quickly.
As we progress, we delve into the nuances of one-handed riding. Learn why choosing the right hand for the turn is essential and witness the release and reconnection technique that reinforces the desired behavior. If he gets stuck help him by bumping him over with your legs, do not pull him over.
Handling Overcorrection: Balancing Act
Overcorrection is normal. See how we use a second hand as a repercussion if Rocket overcorrects, maintaining a balance between guidance and correction. If we are turning to the right my outside left hand stays firm against his withers so he has to move his shoulders to the right.
Discover the significance of setting up a pattern in your horse's training. By consistently turning in the same direction, we create a clear understanding for Rocket, accelerating the learning process.
Conclusion Of Neck Reining
Remember to have your horse move away from the pressure of your outside leg and rein as you turn, to start the journey from two-handed to one-handed riding. We want our horse to stay light and easy in the bridle, and make this a smooth transition in record time. Be repetitive and consistent, and when your horse responds give the release. We're setting him up for success, showcasing the incredible possibilities and disciplines you can do with a horse that neck reins. Good Luck in your neck reining journey!
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